Over the May Bank Holiday weekend, we had made plans to meet my parents in Cinque Terre, a series of 5 villages in the Italian Riveria. The towns are accessible via train, boat and walking path but only a few can be reached by car. My parents were going to be traveling in Italy and we arranged to meet up in Monterossa where my Dad and I hoped to hike the Cinque Terre trail, something we had talked about doing together “someday.”  Unfortunately, my parents were grounded by the Iceland volcano eruption and were unable to make it. Because everything was booked and our flights were still scheduled Matt and I ended up going on our own. We flew into Genoa and took a bus to the train station where we hopped a train to Monterossa. We arrived on April 30th to beautiful sunny weather by the sea.

We set about exploring the town, had a fabulous seafood dinner and made plans to attempt the Cinque Terre trail the next day. Saturday was another good weather day and we knew that the trail was shut down at times for bad weather so we jumped on the chance to get walking. We started out from Monterossa and headed out to the next town Vernazza. This is a view looking back at Monterossa from the trail.

It was amazing to see just how many people were out on the trail. Matt had visited this area in 1998 when he was studying abroad in Florence. That was before the area was designated UNESCO world heritage site. Since its designation, the trails have been revamped, there is an entrance fee and the crowds have only increased (according to Matt).  When Matt was here in 1998 he walked most of the trail but ran out of daylight and had a bit of an adventure making it to the final destination. I think he enjoyed revisiting the scenes of his old adventure on the trail, like this one.

After wandering by olive trees, grapevines and lemon trees stacked deep on the steep slopes, we arrived with in view of Vernazza. It was a beautiful town with an arching harbor, loads of gelato and full of tourists. All 5 towns are connected not only by the walking trails but by train as well. You can catch a glimpse of the train in some of the shots as it peeps out from its path cutting through the mountains. Its mostly in ground along this route. The road is several miles up and doesn’t come to each of these towns, part of what makes them so unique.

Pretty huh? After a quick stop in town we headed out to the next stop Corniglia. This town is perched at the edge of a pretty big cliff and also is full of the colorful buildings seen in each of the towns.

Next up? Manarola. The trip between Corniglia and Manarola was a bit easier than the other two walks.

And finally we walked along the Via Dell’Amore a nice flat paved path to Riomaggiore. The main feature here are lots of locks decorating the walls to signify peoples love.

The trail is about 10 km and takes 4-5 hours to complete. We were pretty tired after reaching the end and planned to take a boat back to our origin point, Monterossa. It was amazing to view the towns we had just passed through from the water. We were super lucky with the weather also. Just as we boarded the boat the clouds came in and some drizzle started to come down. Here is a view of the towns from the water.
Riomaggore                                           Manarola

Corniglia                                                              Vernazza

Monterossa                                                     Boat Trip

For dinner on Saturday we took the train back to Manarola and tried out another pasta/seafood place on the water. It was a dreary grey night but still super enjoyable. And we got to check out the Christmas decorations set up on the terraces, not lit up, but waiting for the holidays.

The next day, the day started grey. We decided to try a shorter hike near the hotel. Of course, once we started the walk the rain really came down. We had a great time anyway and saw a very difference view of a cloud covered Cinque Terre. Turns out they closed the path due to the weather so there was no hiking to the 5 towns that day =).
Before the Hike

The view from the top of the straight up hike we attempted……………

Enjoying wine after the workout