A Happy Thanksgiving To You All

Most of the fine people who read this are in the US, so I just wanted to take a moment to wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. It’s always been the holiday I enjoy the most — good food, family, the feeling that winter’s in the air. I have some  British-like plans for the evening, but for now, it’s off to work for me 🙂

Hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving!

5 Responses to “A Happy Thanksgiving To You All”

  1. dina Says:

    happy turkey day to you! not much of a wintery feel in the air, but at least it’s not raining for once. hope you eat many kilos of meat.

  2. Linda H Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  3. Carolyn Says:

    Whoops – that last message was from me at my mom’s computer =)

  4. Mom and Dad Badanes Says:

    Ditto, Carolyn. Hope you all have/had a great day!

  5. Stephanie Says:

    Hope you had a happy British-giving Day! Not much to report here, just a whole lotta turkey intake on my part! 🙂