A Brief Greetings From London

Hello all.

I’ve made it to London. I now officially live here, even if I’m stuck doing the hotel/couch surfing thing for about 9 days. I’m very very tired, but it was a smooth trip, even when lugging around 50 pounds of crap. And with a good night’s sleep, i’ll be raring to hit the ground running tomorrow.

Anyways, just a quick hello from London! Those of you I’ve left behind in the US, I miss you all.

7 Responses to “A Brief Greetings From London”

  1. Melissa Says:

    Glad you got there safely. Take care and we’ll see you in a few weeks!

  2. anne Says:

    If you want to see Matt’s Last Meal in Chicago. It’s here in all it’s delicious glory.

  3. Mom Says:

    Nice wrinkled shirt, Matt! But you looked very happy…and ate very well. What more can a mother ask?

  4. melissa k. Says:

    i can’t believe i missed a meal with you at m. henry. sigh… have fun in london

  5. matt Says:

    Mmmmm….m henry.

    I’ve been living out of suitcases for 2 months now. Give me a break! (ok, my shirts are always wrinkled)

    And look at all the Melissa’s posting (don’t worry melissa K. i got the french toast!…yummy)

  6. C2 Says:

    Miss you dearly. I have to eat twice as much DQ now. In a show of gratitude, a random factoid from Tony to support your banana loathing: 0.1% of potassium atoms are the K40 isotope, which makes potassium 1 of the more radioactive elements in our diet. There are 4mg of K40 per gram of banana,

  7. matt Says:

    Ah DQ. T’ain’t none of that over here! Eat your share for me and scale back on those dangerous bananas!!

    Gonna go up to visit my future neighborhood this afternoon. I’ll post some pics so there’ll actually be a new post on the site soon! Hoo-ray!