A Little More Snow Fun

Well, just wanted to add a couple of small tidbits to Carolyn’s excellent snow storm post. Our friend, Anne, took some videos that we think are pretty nifty. Here would be the Morse train platform around the corner from us in the middle of the storm. The wind was absolutely amazing. And, as long as you were inside and not trapped on Lake Shore Drive, the wind provided a nice atmospheric noise to enjoy from inside your nice toasty warm house:

Here is another view of our area in the middle of it. The wind spread the snow in some crazy patterns. The front of our building got completely covered, but the school across the street and our parking spaces had barely any. The alley our parking spaces feed into were slammed as well.

Finally, it took them a day or two, but eventually, our street and alley were freed from the snow. Here would be our road almost 24 hours after the snow had stopped:

Note how little snow is in front of the school on the right. This isn’t because it was well cared for (well, that helped). It was because the way the wind whipped around. Now, in the next few hours, the city managed to get a “plow” to our street.

It’s a monster. They are all over the city still, slowly digging the massive mounds of snow up that have been shoveled and plowed into big piles. I feel like the storm brought out a lot of good in our neighborhood with people helping to dig others out. It also brought out the annoying habit of people marking their street parking places (I can understand the intent but it rubs me the wrong way).

Here’s a post-storm video of the lake the day after the blizzard. If you wait for 15s into the video, you might notice a solitary figure skiing. That’s Carolyn:

Anyway, let’s wrap up our coverage of this event with a couple of photo dumps. Here’s all the photos Carolyn and I in our photo dump and here is Anne’s flickr dump. Apparently, by next week, it’ll be above freezing and all this lovely snow will be gone.

2 Responses to “A Little More Snow Fun”

  1. Mom Badanes Says:

    Great pictures – we actually felt cold watching the videos.

    As nasty as it was in Arizona this week…it was nothing to what you experienced. Stay warm!

  2. angela Says:

    love the skiing-on-the-lake video.
    on the same day, nick and i were at Manly and Shelly beaches watching our friend Marianne do her first 1km ocean swim (from one beach to the other) with maybe 4000 other people. it was sweltering and the water temp was apparently just perfect. definitely not freezing.
    it’s like we’re on the opposite side of the world to you guys…
    miss you!