
Carolyn is gone which makes me very sad. 🙁

And I’m having phantom ponytail moments. I keep thinking to put my hair up and there’s no hair to put up.

That’s all I got for now.

4 Responses to “Sniffle”

  1. dina Says:

    i miss her too.

  2. Melissa T. Says:

    I have been thinking of you both today. It must have been so hard to say goodbye. Hang in there.

  3. Mom Says:

    Don’t look back – look forward and the next few months will speed by.

    What did people at work say about your hair? Did they recognize you or did you have to get a new photo ID?

    Mom and Dad

  4. Stephanie Says:

    No sad faces! That’s what Ralph always said to me when we were apart!! 🙂 I like the new hair, btw!