Greetings from Paris!

Man, I’ve been bad. Well, this time, it was because of a last minute trip to Paris. Yep, I’m writing from Paris. I bought a ticket on Monday and hopped the eurostar on Tuesday night. Yes, the tough life. Hopefully, the work part won’t be as bad as I’m expecting. If so, then I get a day or two of free time to see the city. Alas, my digital camera died about 4 days ago, so I might not be able to post any pictures for a bit (I’m gonna look into getting some sort of single-use camera in the meantime). whee!

2 Responses to “Greetings from Paris!”

  1. Timber Says:

    Hrumphhhhh. P

  2. Timber Says:

    (whoops, my paws got stuck, so I continue here…) Paris? Who cares. Where is the promised blogging about my beloved Chewy – oh, and Anna?