Congrats Dr. Lisa Badanes

Just a quick note to present to my world Dr. Lisa Badanes. She officially got her PhD in developmental psychology. Carolyn and I are in Denver to celebrate her great achievement. Congratulations Lisa!!


7 Responses to “Congrats Dr. Lisa Badanes”

  1. Mom and Dad Says:

    We are sooooo proud and happy. And thrilled that we all got to celebrate together.

    Mom and Dad

  2. sue and bob Says:

    Dear Lisa,
    Congratulations and best wishes!! Well done!!
    love, sue and bob

  3. Aunt Judy and Uncle Marvin Says:

    Congrats to the first doctor in the family! But, what’s with the funny hat?
    Love and Pride from Aunt Judy & Uncle Marvin.

  4. Uncle Mark Says:

    congratulations there Lisa. Way to stick it out and make the WHOLE family proud of you. Love ya

  5. Lisa Says:

    Thanks for all of the well-wishes. Not sure what was with the hat Aunt Judy. I think they wanted us to look like court jesters. xoxoxo

  6. Helen & Neal Dorman Says:

    DR. Lisa !!!!!!!!! A million congrats.. how fabulous .. we are so very very proud of you. What a wonderful accomplishment. We wish only the best as you proceed in your wonderful career path.. love Helen and Neal

  7. Cookie Says:

    Congratulations to Lisa. I know your Mom is very proud of your accomplishment. You have a wonderful family.