Halloween in London

So, Halloween in London is not quite the same as in the US.  Most people generally ignore the day and if you do partake it is all about ghouls and gore and scary costumes.  No pumpkins or cute animal costumes here.  Needless to say, Halloween is much more about trick and not very much about treat.

Halloween happened to coincide with one of my (Carolyn’s) co-worker’s last days of work. She is taking a career break for 6 months to travel to India to work with a charity organization, Roshni UK, providing physiotherapy services for children.  So, we coordinated a leaving-do/Halloween bash to send her off in style.

Here is a photo of some of my coworkers decked out for the night.


And here is a photo of our feeble attempt at dressing up (Matt does have devil horns on).


2 Responses to “Halloween in London”

  1. melissa k. Says:

    i love you guys, but those were some really sad costumes.

  2. Leaky Says:

    decked out my ass!

    Totally LAME.