Go London
Last night I attended a very special event at London City Hall. The NHS London hosted on online Social Innovation Competition to encourage Londoners to submit ideas that would help promote physical activity for all people in London in the run-up to the 2012 Olympic Games. My super amazing colleague submitted her idea 10,000 Steps UK Challenge. Hers was one of 92 entries and she was chosen as one of the top five finalists. The finalists were invited to participate in a day of workshops at city hall with various business, non-profit and community leaders to help expand their ideas. At the end of the day, each finalist did a 7 minute presentation to a panel of judges and esteemed guests (I was one of the esteemed guests).
A few of my colleagues and I headed down to city hall after work to support Danielle and hear the presentations. She did an amazing job in what was a very intimidating environment. The other finalists also gave great presentations and had interesting ideas. However, Danielle’s idea clearly met the philosophy of the competition and she was declared the winner! The judges want to see her and one of the other finalists develop a joint project. I am not sure exactly what the next steps are but look out for posters and activity throughout the city to encourage all Londoners to participate in the 10,000 steps UK challenge!
Here we are celebrating the victory
City Hall is an amazing building and we were given access to the balcony with amazing views of the Thames and the city. It was a great night out. I am so impressed with Danielle for submitting her idea in the first place and succeeding, out of a large groups of submissions, to have her idea chosen to be implemented across London. It is amazing and super inspiring! We are very proud of her.
Here are some other shots from the night. An Elephant on Parade (currently all over the city) in front of City Hall.
Here is a view inside one of the elephants. That’s Max peeking through the other side.
Inside City Hall was an amazing map of London. Aerial view of North/East London, where I am mostly found