Bowling Champion of my Company

Now, I’m not the competitive type (sort of), but this is worthy of a posting. My company usually sponsors a number of activities during the summer known as the ‘Summer of Fun’. In the US, most of them consist of using one of the few patios in the Loop to host a party. In the UK, we lack that kind of public space, so it ends up being a variety of activities. This summers seemed to focus on bowling. We had two bowling events, the British type and the US type. Why do I post about something this simple? Because I somehow rule both! 🙂

The first event was lawn bowling. For those of you looking for a US parallel, it’s like bocce. You have teams and a single ball rolled down some grass. You try to roll a weighted ball closest to the ball in the middle of the grass. My coworker Steve was in town for the fun and, on a whim, we joined in. Well, we somehow won! The final was a closely fought contest in which we actually came down to a roll off which required a measurement to determine who was closest in the end. Here would be a perfect capturing of that moment:


Look how close it is!

Well, Steve and I took home the gold for Team USA (and team IT geeks). Flash in the pan, you’re probably thinking.

But no! I came back in the US version of bowling to show how truly dominant sedentary geeks can be. Tonight was the US bowling leg of the summer of fun. Well, how did we do? My team came in first overall. I bowled a strike on my first roll, thus winning the ‘First Strike’ trophy. My teammate, Julie, won best female bowler and I won best male bowler. We Rule!!!

6 Responses to “Bowling Champion of my Company”

  1. Linda H Says:

    MATT, Congratulations on your two bowling achievements especially the game like Bocce!!!!! Glad to hear that you are not dead, just working hard. I enjoyed the video too. Linda H.

  2. matt Says:

    Hi Linda. Thanks for the congrats (and welcome to the comments!). The lawn bowling was fun. I’d never done it before but it’s pretty relaxing just sitting around on a lawn rolling a ball down it. 🙂

  3. anne Says:

    London really lacks patios? That’s sad.

    My company has eliminated the “company picnic” altogether, so I envy your work-sponsored group activity.

  4. Dad Says:

    Quite a bunch of jocks you work with, Matt.

  5. Mom Says:

    You probably won because of your awesome bowling shoes.

  6. matt Says:

    Hey, it’s bowling on grass. What better way to be connected to the playing field than with sandals? And dad, are you ripping on my extremely athletic coworkers? 🙂

    Anne, they got rid of the company picnic? Silly. There is plenty of outdoor spaces for congregating in London, but our office in Chicago has it’s own 4th floor patio while we don’t have that here, so we have to improvise. I think it’s usually a little more fun since it involves something like bowling or Shakespeare.